The use of low power laser in healing and postoperative analgesia in minor oral surgeries: an integrative review

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Angela Rita Pontes Azevedo
Izadora Ramos dos Reis
Rodolfo José Gomes de Araújo
Beatriz de Jesus Teles e Teles


Introduction: Low power laser therapy has been classified as a promising alternative with the aim of improving the inflammatory response, postoperative discomfort and accelerating the physiological response for better healing after oral surgeries. The aim of this study was to understand the proper use of low-power laser in healing and postoperative analgesia in minor oral surgeries. Methodology: This is a literature review, following the standards of an integrative review. Thus, the research was carried out in the databases: Latin American and Caribbean Literature in Health Sciences (LILACS), Scientific Electronic Library Online (Scielo) and Medical Literature Analysis and Retrieval System Online (MEDLINE), using the descriptors: “Biostimulation”, “laser”, “laser therapy” and “Low Level Laser Therapy”. The intersection of these descriptors in the cited bases occurred through the Boolean operators “AND” and “OUR”. The inclusion criteria were: original articles of primary studies, in the languages: Portuguese, Spanish and English, published in scientific journals from 2017 to 2022. The analysis reconciled 12 selected studies and after a thorough verification, only 06 were designated within the Inclusion criteria. Results: The adequate use of low power laser brings benefits in the postoperative period of oral surgeries, as a support in the biological reestablishment of the tissue, accelerating healing, promoting analgesia as an improvement in postoperative discomfort and also in the use of therapy in the prevention of oral mucositis in patients with osteosarcoma.Conclusion: Low power laser is an effective mechanism, when used with the correct frequency, dose and time of application, to accelerate healing and reduce pain in the postoperative period of minor surgeries oral doses, however, very low or very high potencies may result in adverse effects.


Keywords: Biostimulation, Laser, Laser Therapy, Low Level Laser Therapy.

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How to Cite
Pontes Azevedo AR, Ramos dos Reis I, Gomes de Araújo RJ, Teles e Teles B de J, Pagliarini JL. The use of low power laser in healing and postoperative analgesia in minor oral surgeries: an integrative review. Braz. J. Nat. Sci [Internet]. 2023Mar.4 [cited 2024Oct.18];5(1):E1682023 - 1. Available from:
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