Uso do óleo vegetal de Pracaxi como silicone natural na haste capilar

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Laura Rodrigues Scaramella
Letícia Macedo Amorim
Maria Luisa Blanco Martin
Albina de F. S. Ramalho Garcia


Cosmetics industries are more concerned with environmental issues, since their consumers look for products of natural origin, besides taking into account the sustainability that companies offer to the planet. This way, we observe the substitution of synthetic actives for organic ones, originated from plants, herbs or seeds, as it is the case of the use of Pracaxi vegetal oil, used in cosmetics formulations for hair care and treatments. This, by its turn, presents high concentration of fatty acids, because of its lipophilicity, it link to the epicuticle, sub layer of the cuticle present in the capillary stem, by hydrophobic interaction, which makes it a great hydration provider, helping on the hydric retention of the threads, besides being fruit of a native tree from the North of Brazil, with high replanting indexes, and of employability for the local population. The study reviews the hair structure, the Pracaxi oil, and it´s action on the hair shaft. In all, through a market analysis, it found 17 brands available and a total of 71 products containing the active incorporated in several cosmetic bases. After bibliographic survey it was observed that Pracaxi vegetal oil is an excellent nitrogen gas fixator which generates carbon, nitrogen and iron restoration in the environment, in contrast to silicones derived from siloxanes, after biodegradation can result in bioaccumulation of gases on ozone layer. 


Keywords: Pracaxi, natural silicone, environment.

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How to Cite
Scaramella LR, Amorim LM, Martin MLB, Garcia A de FSR. Uso do óleo vegetal de Pracaxi como silicone natural na haste capilar. Braz. J. Nat. Sci [Internet]. 2020Dec.1 [cited 2025Mar.10];3(3):514. Available from:
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