Diadorim is an information service related to authorizations granted for the storage and access of articles from Brazilian magazines in open access digital repositories. It is part of the set of open access services of the Brazilian Institute of Information in Science and Technology. The information disclosed here is collected directly from the editors of Brazilian scientific journals, whom we thank for sending and updating the information. The purpose of this service is to identify, systematize and make available information on policies established by the publishers of Brazilian journals regarding the storage of articles in institutional repositories. It constitutes an important source of consultation so that authors and repository managers do not violate the publication agreement established between the author and the journal, when archiving articles in the institution's repository. See the "Deposit permission" menu item for the details of the magazine rating system.
Latindex works on the basis of regional cooperation through a responsible institution in each participating country. The general coordination of the system resides in the General Directorate of Libraries (DGB) of the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM). IT support, website development, construction and maintenance of the online data entry system are responsible for the General Directorate of Computing and Information and Communication Technologies of UNAM itself. The list of institutions currently associated, according to the year of incorporation in Latindex, is as follows: Brazil; Cuba; Mexico; Venezuela; Spain; Colombia; Portugal; Puerto Rico; Ecuador; Costa Rica; Uruguay; Peru; Bolivia; Panama; Guatemala; Nicaragua; Honduras; The Savior; Paraguay; South Korea.
Digital object identifier (DOI) is a standard for identifying documents on computer networks, such as the Internet. Currently, there is growing concern about the security of digital objects on the Internet. For this reason, the DOI (Digital Object Identifier) was created, a system for locating and accessing materials on the web - especially publications in periodicals and works protected by copyright, many of which are located in virtual libraries. DOI represents a numerical identification system for digital content, such as books, electronic articles and documents in general. It was recently developed by the Association of American Publishers (AAP) to authenticate the administrative base of digital content. It is designed as a number, but it does not have a predefined coding system and it also does not translate or analyze this numbering. DOI assigns a unique and exclusive number to any and all published material (texts, images, etc.).
Using Creative Commons public licenses: Creative Commons public licenses provide a standard set of terms and conditions that creators and other rights holders can use to share original authorship works and other copyrighted materials and certain other rights specified in the public license below. The following considerations are for informational purposes only, are not exhaustive and are not part of our licenses.
ORCID provides a persistent digital identifier that distinguishes you from all other researchers and, through integration into important research workflows, such as sending manuscripts and donations, supports automated links between you and your professional activities, ensuring that your work is recognized.
DOAJ (Directory of Open Access Journals)
DOAJ is an online directory curated by the community that indexes and provides access to high quality journals, open access and peer-reviewed. DOAJ is independent. All funding is via donations, 40% of which are from sponsors and 60% from members and editors. All DOAJ services are free, including DOAJ indexing. All data is available free of charge. DOAJ operates an education and outreach program around the world, focused on improving the quality of requests submitted.
Google Scholar is a Google search service aimed especially at students, researchers, scientists, university students and the curious. The tool works as a repository of theses, scientific articles, abstracts, monographs, dissertations and books. The search engine indexes content from open access databases such as Scielo, Altametric and Wiley or from materials that are available on Google Books. Google Scholar even allows users to add their own scientific productions.
When an editor is evaluating a newly submitted manuscript, it is important to know whether the work is original. Similarity Check (formerly known as CrossCheck) makes available to editors and commercial or public publishers Turnitin's iThenticate software, which makes it possible to upload documents for verification of similarity with a database of millions of other academic articles, books, articles from conferences, dissertations, other published academic content and billions of web pages, to guarantee the originality of the material. Similarity Check instantly generates a report that highlights possible matches and indicates whether and how the article matches another job. This report allows editors to assess the originality of the work before publishing it, providing confidence for publishing.
ISSN Network is an intergovernmental organization represented by 89 national and regional centers, worldwide. The Network was created in 1971, with the support of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (Unesco), and implemented three years later to support the worldwide bibliographic control of serial publications, through a single code, the ISSN (International Standard Serial Number). The ISSN Network is coordinated by the ISSN International Center, based in Paris, and already has, worldwide, more than 2 million serial publication titles identified with this code. It is the most complete and comprehensive source of information on serial publications.
Articles published in open access are peer-reviewed and released so that everyone can read, download and reuse, according to the authors' choice of user license.
Scopus is the largest database of abstracts and citations in the peer-reviewed literature: scientific journals, books and conference proceedings.